An Empirical Study on Everyday Life Information Seeking Behavior of Peasants from the Social Capital Perspective: Taking Jiangsu Province for Example

  • Han Zhengbiao ,
  • Lin Yansheng
  • College of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095

Received date: 2016-05-18

  Revised date: 2016-06-24

  Online published: 2016-07-05


[Purpose/significance] Rural is the weakest market economy and affected by the traditional social structure mostly. The influence of social factors on everyday life information acquisition of peasants cannot be ignored. This research explores the influence mechanism of social capital on everyday life information seeking behavior of peasants.[Method/process] The survey data (n=334) collected from peasants of Jiangsu province, is analyzed by logistic regression, analysis of variance and multiple linear regression.[Result/conclusion] Study results find as follow:Firstly, social capital has a positive significant on whether peasants choose friend, family member, newspaper, computer and mobile phone as information sources, and has significantly direct positive and weak correlation on the information resource number peasants choose in everyday life information context; Secondly, social capital has a positive significant on their performance, and mainly reflects in sharing and social networking dimensions; Thirdly, everyday life information seeking performance of Jiangsu province's peasants has an individual difference on income, free times and regions. This study suggests that, when providing information service, rural information service agencies should focus on enhancing peasants' social capital and meeting peasants' information needs.

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Han Zhengbiao , Lin Yansheng . An Empirical Study on Everyday Life Information Seeking Behavior of Peasants from the Social Capital Perspective: Taking Jiangsu Province for Example[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(13) : 100 -108 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.13.013


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