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Analysis on Transmission Characteristics and Influence of Altmetrics Hot Papers
Received date: 2016-05-22
Revised date: 2016-07-02
Online published: 2016-08-05
[Purpose/significance] This paper aims at analyzing the transmission characteristics of Altmetrics hot papers, to reflect the scholarly influence and social influence of academic contents.[Method/process] Based on the data of hot papers from, it analyzes the correlation between Altmetrics score and citation frequency of Web of Science (WOS), discusses the diversity of its transmission channels, distribution of its transmission subjects, and transmission effect of academic contents on social media.[Result/conclusion] The results show that difference of disciplines affect the correlation between Altmetrics score and WOS citation frequency. The public is the main subject to broadcast academic contents through social media, and scientists tend to use social media to expand academic contents transmission year by year. In twitter, hot papers reach a transmission peak in 10 to 30 days. The main factors influencing the transmission breadth and speed of academic contents include:the significance novelty of academic contents, domestic demand of scholarly communication, open access, marketing strategies of academic contents, etc. Although the transmission efficiency of Altmetrics is further and faster, it has the defects of lacking theoretical methods, low degree of awareness, poor data quality, strong business drives and easily to be game.
Guo Fei , You Bin , Xue Jingyuan . Analysis on Transmission Characteristics and Influence of Altmetrics Hot Papers[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(15) : 86 -93 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.15.012
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