Research on the Interactive Relationship among Zhihu User Community——An Example of “Xiaomi Mobile Phone” Topic

  • Cai Zhibin
  • Department of Information and Communications, Shih Hsin University, Taipei 11604

Received date: 2016-05-31

  Revised date: 2016-08-20

  Online published: 2016-09-05


[Purpose/significance] is a social Q&A relational community, which is based on the knowledge sharing. The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of users' participation in community interaction based on the experience in participating in the community and the data collected. [Method/process] This paper collects Zhihu community "Xiaomi Mobile Phone" topic data of a single month, uses social network analysis method and observation, and then uses Pajek to analyze the collected data. [Result/conclusion] The research shows that the community members take the problem as the center and form an interactive relationship through the Q&A. The relationship among the members of the community is a one-way interaction. 98% of the users are simple questioners or respondents, and only 2% users are both questioners and respondents. They play a distinct role in the community.

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Cai Zhibin . Research on the Interactive Relationship among Zhihu User Community——An Example of “Xiaomi Mobile Phone” Topic[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(17) : 88 -93 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.17.013


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