Library and Information Service >
Feature, Acquisition and Application of Wikidata
Received date: 2016-06-29
Revised date: 2016-08-05
Online published: 2016-09-05
[Purpose/significance] This paper analyzes the data feature, acquisition method and application of Wikidata, in order to increase the number of Chinese open data sets and improve the frequency of association with foreign data sets. [Method/process] With the research methods of induction and comparison, this paper expounds the development history of Wikidata, analyzes its data characteristic and model, and then summarizes five methods to access data. [Result/conclusion] Wikidata has the characteristics of open collaboration, multiple languages and well-structured. The data model of Wikidata defines the entities and attributes based on its items. It also provides diversified data access methods. The application bases on Wikidata mainly refers five aspects, respectively the semantic retrieval, multilingual query, knowledge visualization, knowledge base building and virtual research environment.
Key words: Wikidata; data acquisition; application analysis
Jia Junzhi , Xue Qiuhong . Feature, Acquisition and Application of Wikidata[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(17) : 136 -141,148 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.17.020
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