Library and Information Service >
Construction of Evaluation Index System and Empirical Research on the Service Quality of Government WeChat Official Accounts
Received date: 2016-07-21
Revised date: 2016-09-03
Online published: 2016-09-20
[Purpose/significance] This paper aims at constructing the evaluation index system on the service quality of government WeChat official accounts based on information ecological perspective to provide a theoretical basis and criteria to guide the construction of the government WeChat official accounts and enhance core competitiveness. [Method/process] Constructed the initial evaluation index system on the service quality of government WeChat official accounts by the Delphi method, through correlation analysis and factor analysis to test and modify to form the final evaluation index system, then using the AHP method to determine the index weight and tested the index system, and finally selected 30 government WeChat official accounts to empirical research.[Result/conclusion] The empirical results show that the index system has strong operability and high practical value to guide the construction of the public service of the government WeChat. At the theoretical level this paper provides a new research perspective for the construction of government WeChat official accounts services. At the practical application level it is also helpful to enhance the government WeChat official accounts services quality and efficiency through the scientific evaluation and management, so as to achieve to meet users' needs and expectations.
Li Zongfu , Zhang Xiangxian . Construction of Evaluation Index System and Empirical Research on the Service Quality of Government WeChat Official Accounts[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(18) : 79 -88 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.18.010
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