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Research on Readers' Interests in Patent Literature and Its Topology Representation
Received date: 2016-04-12
Revised date: 2016-07-17
Online published: 2016-10-05
[Purpose/significance] By analysis of participants' interests and the interrelated interests between areas of interest (AOIs), we reveal the reader's attention or interest in the various parts of the patent literature. [Method/process] With the Tobii T60XL eye tracker as a tool, this paper attempted to carry out an experimental study by obtaining data from the reading of patent literature. The study considered twenty-six participants mainly university teachers and graduate students with normal vision who are actively engaged in scientific research. For the unique layout structure of patent literature, each patent literature was divided into twelve areas AOIs, based on the participants' eye movement behavior in patent reading, pre-session interview script and post-session retrospective think aloud (RTA) interviews. The users' interest per element and the interrelated interests between elements were computed quantitatively. Interestingness of the element was calculated by eye tracking metrics of relative visit duration, relative fixation count and pupil diameter scaling. The relation matrix was obtained from the regression out count. [Result/conclusion] The topology of elements was constructed with respect to participants' interests. The abstract, independent and dependent claims are the associated regions which were of most interest to scientific researchers, forming a strong triangular relationship. Users were also much concerned about the detailed descriptions of specific technology solutions.
Key words: reading; eye movements patent literature topology
Wang Xiuhong , YuanYinchi , Jin Yucheng . Research on Readers' Interests in Patent Literature and Its Topology Representation[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(19) : 125 -134,142 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.19.016
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