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Application of Propensity Score Method in Causal Inference——The Practice of RAND Corp.
Received date: 2016-05-20
Revised date: 2016-09-02
Online published: 2016-10-05
[Purpose/significance] By examining the research of the Rand Corporation on the propensity score method, this article summarizes the general research steps in the causal inference research, and purposes some reference in information science study of China. [Method/process] By deeply reading Rand Corporation's released reports, this article analyzes the current study situation from the perspective of time, research type and content of research. Then by selecting a representative study case, this article summarizes the operation flow of propensity score method. [Result/conclusion] RAND Corporation has a wide range of research and applications on propensity score method gradually standardized and mature in the study, which can effectively deal with observational data, broaden the scope of the information science study and improve the quality and efficiency of research.
Key words: propensity score; RAND Corp; causal inference; information science study
Li Yunfei . Application of Propensity Score Method in Causal Inference——The Practice of RAND Corp.[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(19) : 135 -142 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.19.017
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