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Literature Review of Patent Technological Portfolios' Application and Identification Methods
Received date: 2016-05-23
Revised date: 2016-11-02
Online published: 2016-11-05
[Purpose/significance] The study summarizes the development of patent technological portfolios identification methods in order to analyze the current problems, and provide improved directions for the selection and recommendation of practical patented technology. [Method/process] This paper defined the concept of patent technological portfolios and further reviewed the applications of identifying portfolios based on the company activities of patented technology. Based on literature review, the paper outspread the analysis and comments of portfolios identification method. [Result/conclusion] The current study is rare and dispersed on the patent portfolios identification method of IPR operation with a large load of working, which cannot meet the need of practical patented technology selection. The future research direction will be the expansion of different application ranges. The precise keywords extraction and the knowledge organization introduction are of great importance of improving the efficiency of portfolios identification. A variety of methods in combination are needed in future.
Li Shuying , Dong Ku , Fang Shu , Zhang Xian , Ru Lijie . Literature Review of Patent Technological Portfolios' Application and Identification Methods[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(21) : 137 -144 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.21.018
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