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The Academic-practitioner Gap in LIS: An Explanation Based on Practical Relevance and Scientific Rigor
Received date: 2016-10-17
Revised date: 2016-12-01
Online published: 2016-12-20
[Purpose/significance] The academic-practitioner gap is very prevalent in many applied sciences. The paper aims to analyze the historical formation process and institutional root of the gap, and explore a new path for the integration of theory and practice. [Method/process] A historical review of the academic-practitioner gap was made. The perception difference of the professional journals was investigated by a survey of librarians and researchers including faculties and graduate students. [Result/conclusion] In the period of the Republic of China, the research of library science emphasized the practical relevance, which formed the empiricism tradition. In the era of reform and opening-up, library science research paid great attention to scientific rigor, which formed the essentialism paradigm of library science. As a result, the academic-practitioner gap arose, causing the community to be divided into academia part and practitioner part. The two camps relied on different journals which gave different weight to the balance of scientific rigorousness and practical relevance. The root of the gap between the theoretical camp and the practical camp is the institutionalization of the knowledge production system. The academia and practitioners have formed their own different rules of their own social system. Scientific rigorousness and practical relevance are not completely on the opposite side. The research type called "Pasteur Quadrant" involving scientific rigorousness and practical relevance can effectively solve the problem of the gap in library science.
Liu Yu , Xie Huan , Gu Yeqing . The Academic-practitioner Gap in LIS: An Explanation Based on Practical Relevance and Scientific Rigor[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(24) : 32 -41 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.24.005
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