Library and Information Service >
Design and Implementation of Scientific Literature Analysis System Based on Term Function Recognition
Received date: 2016-10-11
Revised date: 2016-12-11
Online published: 2017-01-05
[Purpose/significance] From term function in scientific text perspective, we took the semantic function of words in scientific literatures, designed and implemented a scientific literature analysis system based on term function recognition, to make up for the deficiency of existing literature analysis system at a certain extent.[Method/process] This article firstly expounded the definition and recognition of term function, on the basis of which, itdesigned the system thinking and function modules. Finally, literatures were chosen in computer science in CNKI from 1994-2013, to implement a literature analysis system called CS-LAS.[Result/conclusion] CS-LAS can satisfy researchers' information needs form a more fine-grained perspective, which have optimized the results of traditional academic database. At the meantime, this system can also grasp the hot spot and research trend of a topic and visualize the results.
Li Xin , Cheng Qikai , Liu Xingbang . Design and Implementation of Scientific Literature Analysis System Based on Term Function Recognition[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017 , 61(1) : 109 -116 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.01.013
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