[Purpose/significance] On the basis of literature research, this paper reviews and analyzes the existing data literacy evaluation system and related connotation, to provide theoretical reference for the data quality evaluation and education work.[Method/process] By collecting and sorting the existing study of data literacy in practice and exploration, integrated with relevant evaluation content about data literacy,and in combination with the practical requirements of data literacy education, it establishes the data literacy evaluation system and analyzes the connotation of the related evaluation indicator.[Result/conclusion] Data literacy is the inheritance and development of information literacy, and it is developed in big data environment and a new requirement for the individual quality of society. Through literature research, data literacy evaluation system should include 12 indicators such as data consciousness, data collection, data management, data manipulation, data ethics and so on.
Deng Lijun
Yang Wenjian
. Individual Data Literacy Evaluation System and Relative Indicator Connotation Research Progress[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(3)
: 140
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.03.018
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