[Purpose/significance] This paper puts forward suggestions for the problems existing in the process of current social services of university librariesin order to provide decision-making basis for them.[Method/process] Basing on the current situation of the social services of 25 university libraries in Nanjing and taking empirical research methods (interview and internet survey), this paper makes a summary of the motivation-based contents of university libraries serving society and the problems existingin the processing of serving society.[Result/conclusion] The survey shows thatuniversity libraries in NanJingmainlyserve for University users and other research units with obvious tendency and pertinence. Meanwhile, there are defects such as lack of resources, social users benefit less. This provides a factual basis for university libraries to service social users better.
Chen Wen
. Investigation and Research on the Social Service of University Libraries: Taking 25 University Librariesin NanJing as a Case[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(4)
: 76
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.04.010
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