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The Study on Processing Model and Data Issues of Network Big Data Application
Received date: 2016-10-14
Revised date: 2017-02-07
Online published: 2017-03-05
[Purpose/significance] This paper mainly focuses on the goal, process and data issues of network big data application in the aspect of theory. It provides the basis of the analysis to clarify the inner mechanism of the network data applications. [Method/process] Firstly, the study puts forward the goal of big data applications according to the DIKWA chain. Secondly, it analyzes network big data application links and stages, and constructs the process model. Finally, it analyzes the problems existing in the application process. [Result/conclusion] To realize knowledge discovery and provide decision support are the goals of network big data applications. Network data application contains five links (collecting, organizing, processing, conversion and using) and three basic stages(open data, stewardship and usefulness). There are the issues of "Excess data" and "Poor knowledge" in the process of data application. Therefore, it is needed to clear the features of "distortion" and "self purification" during the process of identification and diffusion of network big data, and explore principles and rules of knowledge discovery and growth based on the knowledge spiral.
Key words: network big data; processing model; knowledge discovery; decision support
Guan Xin , Shao Chang'an . The Study on Processing Model and Data Issues of Network Big Data Application[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017 , 61(5) : 50 -56 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.05.007
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