An Empirical Study on Research Output Efficiency of Strategic Emerging Industries in Chinese Universities: Based on the New Energy Vehicle Industry

  • Zhu Qiang ,
  • Zhao Fei ,
  • Liao Sansan ,
  • Liu Suqing
  • Peking University Library, Beijng 100871

Received date: 2017-02-28

  Revised date: 2017-03-28

  Online published: 2017-04-20


[Purpose/significance]The analysis of the impact of resource allocation on the output of science and technology in universities can help to find the focus of universities to enhance scientific and technological innovation.[Method/process]Based on the empirical analysis of research output, including papers and patents, of the new energy automobile industry, the paper compared the innovation and developments of top 10 universities of automotive engineering in China, and aimed to explore the factors affecting innovation such as human resources, capital and services, etc.[Result/conclusion] Science and technology services, especially provided by library and information institutions, function as an invisible productive force, which can promote the output of science and technology and enhance the core competitiveness of the industry. Therefore, in the new economic environment, academic libraries should extend services to meet the needs of the National Innovation-driven Development Strategy.

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Zhu Qiang , Zhao Fei , Liao Sansan , Liu Suqing . An Empirical Study on Research Output Efficiency of Strategic Emerging Industries in Chinese Universities: Based on the New Energy Vehicle Industry[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017 , 61(8) : 81 -88 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.08.010


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