[Purpose/significance]Combining with the domestic and international data literacy research and preliminary research to grasp the evaluation index of postgraduates' data literacy, this paper designed graduate students' data literacy test scale to provide an objective evaluation tool for improving the level of graduate research and data literacy.[Method/process]Based on the competency model, through the exploratory factor analysis to establish the graduate data literacy competency standards, graduate student data literacy test scale was developed from six aspects of data awareness, data collection and evaluation, data organization and management, data processing and analysis, data utilization and archiving, data ethics.[Result/conclusion]The final scale contained 48 items, through the data analysis, and it is verified that the scale has good reliability, validity and fit degree, and can be used as a quantitative tool to evaluate and improve the data literacy ability of graduate students, also to provide a basis for the development of targeted educational measures.
Zhang Xiaoyang
Li Mei
. Research on the Evaluation Scale of Postgraduate Students' Data Literacy Based on the Competency[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(8)
: 89
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.08.011
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