[Purpose/significance]In order to simplify the data transfer process from literature database to institutional repository and reduce workload of the construction staff, this paper designed and developed a browser deposit extension based on the institutional repository software CSpace.[Method/process]Based on JQuery technology and Chromium Extension mechanism, the function of web page information extraction, user authentication, collection and duplication settings, remote deposit/publishing were implemented.[Result/conclusion]Through this browser extension, users can quickly extract the literature metadata from the web page and deposit to the institutional repository when users browse CNKI, CSCD and WOS literature databases.
Yao Xiaona
Zhu Zhongming
Liu Wei
Zhang Wangqiang
Wu Zhiqiang
Lu Linong
. The Development Method and Strategy of a Browser Deposit Extension of the Institutional Repository[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(9)
: 111
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.09.014
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