[Purpose/significance] To form a more objective evaluation of scientific research, stimulate China's research innovation, and curb academic misconduct, from the perspective of following the law of scientific development, this paper thinks that the dimensions of research evaluation should be diversified and try to extract three dimensions of innovation, influence and transmission.[Method/process] First of all, this paper discussed the three dimensions of the generation mechanism, importance, evaluation predicament and progress, and mutual relations.Secondly, the paper chose indices to represent the three dimensions to analyze their correlation, index of different dimensions associated evaluation type and probability, the role of fusion evaluation of dimension and diffusion stage.[Result/conclusion] The conclusions are as follows: different evaluation dimensions should be established in the index system of scientific research evaluation, and each dimension has rich indexes; the dimension of each index should be clear; multiple indicators should be used in the evaluation, value fusion evaluation.Finally, the evaluation dimensions of "Creativity- Influence- Transmission", as well as the prospect of multidimensional evaluation in a broader sense, were discussed, including enhancing the flexibility, pertinence, objectivity and explanatory power of scientific evaluation; the discovery of potential talents and innovation, providing broad space for evaluation indexes jumping based on network structure from based on the number; avoiding the "evaluation trap"; encouraging deep research and innovation and eradicating academic atmosphere, guiding academic publishing and writing norms; enhancing peer insight.
Song Ge
. Building and Demonstrating“Creativity- Influence- Transmission” Research Evaluation Dimensions[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(10)
: 5
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.10.001
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