[Purpose/significance] Aiming at the problems of resource shortage and low efficiency of Chinese governments when they use big data independently, a plural subject collaboration strategy is explored in order to optimize allocation of resources and make better use of government data. [Method/process] The case of New York was analyzed. The participators and the process of collaboration were described and the key factors guaranteeing the collaboration were summarized. [Result/conclusion] Chinese governments can use the case of New York for reference when utilizing big data. They can set up a management organization with well-defined responsibilities, take scientific demand analysis, make good use of the products of enterprises and encourage the public to utilize government big data in an innovative way.
Li Yue
Hou Weizhen
. A Plural Subject Collaboration Strategy in Utilizing Government Big Data: Based on the Case of New York[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(10)
: 50
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.10.007
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