[Purpose/significance]The paper tries to analyze electronic reserve and course guide in the foreign academic libraries to provide guidance and reference for the domestic academic libraries.[Method/process]It expounds development status, service mode, system platform and content format through Internet survey and literature research, contrasts the development status of domestic university libraries, and studies the concrete practice of two America university libraries to learn how to construct electronic reserve and course guide. [Result/conclusion]It reveals the Chinese academic libraries should enhance the evaluation and improvement of the electronic reserves that have been completed, strengthen construction of course guides, focus on information literacy cultivation; embed in user teaching environment, provide knowledge services, strengthen services to fine, enhance user confidence and strengthen integration with new media, to create ubiquitous classroom environment.
Qu Nan
. Foreign E-reserve and Course Guide:Current Trends in Practices and the Implications for China[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(11)
: 88
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.11.011
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