[Purpose/significance] This paper summarizes the research support services and the strong support for the higher education provided by the British and American university libraries in the process of library transformation and development in order to provide references for the development and theoretical research of the domestic university libraries in this field. [Method/process] Using empirical research and comparative research methods, this paper studied British and American university library research support services, explored and analyzed the British and American university library research support services in terms of forms, content, deep connotations and development trends.[Result/conclusion] The research support service is one of the major strategic development directions of university libraries in the future, reflecting the innovation of library services in transformation and development, highlighting the value of libraries. The university libraries in China should learn from the successful experience of foreign countries, strengthen the research support service consciousness, explore and build research support integrated information service.
Chen Zhuoxin
Chen Wei
. Research Support Services of British and American University Libraries and Their Implications for Academic Libraries in China[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(13)
: 62
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.13.008
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