A Study on Information Sharing Behaviors of Mobile Learning Users in the New Media Environment

  • Guo Yu ,
  • Wang Xiwei ,
  • Li Jingwen ,
  • Duan Qishan
  • 1. School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022;
    2. Big Data Management Research Center, Jilin University, Changchun 130022

Received date: 2017-05-08

  Revised date: 2017-07-15

  Online published: 2017-08-05


[Purpose/significance] In view of the characteristics of mobile learning in the new media environment, this paper makes a research on information sharing behaviors of users with mobile learning, in order to guide the mobile client building a better user-centered information sharing platform. [Method/process] With the questionnaires and empirical research methods, the Amos21.0 is used to test the hypothesis of influencing factors, behavioral intentions and learning behaviors, from the perspective of the harmonious development of individual mobile learning attitude, subjective norm of individual mobile learning, and information controllability of mobile learning processes. [Result/conclusion] The data show that individual mobile learning attitudes, subjective norms and perceived information controllability all have positive effect on the mobile learning information sharing intention in the new media environment,and the perceived information controllability of mobile learning process has the greatest impact; mobile learning information sharing intention has a positive impact on information sharing behavior.

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Guo Yu , Wang Xiwei , Li Jingwen , Duan Qishan . A Study on Information Sharing Behaviors of Mobile Learning Users in the New Media Environment[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017 , 61(15) : 34 -42 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.15.004


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