[Purpose/significance] The paper helps understand how to use the information ecology theory to realize the mutual harmony among the think tank information, the think tank organization, the customer (user) and the information technology, and puts forward the intelligence platform based on the information ecology evaluation index systemto promote the WeChat Platform of China's New Types of Think Tanksconstruction.[Method/process] This paper presents a new type of think tank, uses AHP methods to determine the weight of each evaluation indexand combines the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to carry on the ecological evaluation.[Result/conclusion] The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation results of the target think tank WeChat platform are obtained, the application value of the evaluation index system is verified, and the ecological evolution of the new types of think tank is promoted.
Wang Xiwei
Wang Nan'axue
Zhang Liu
Li Shimeng
. The Evaluation Index and Empirical Study on Ecological Evaluation of New Types of Think Tank——Based on Information Ecology[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(15)
: 51
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.15.006
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