[Purpose/significance] Microblog is an important medium of communicating public opinions toward public emergencies. Excavating topics and sentiment of microblogs on public emergencies has important practical significance to grasp the online public opinions, and to identify and predict the potential problems and risks during public emergencies. In this study, we propose an approach to analyze the topical and emotional evolution of microblog public opinions on public emergencies. [Method/process] The Zika outbreak is taken as an example and the life cycle of related microblog public opinions is divided into several phases. Topics are extracted from microblogs by the word2vec technique. The sentiment analysis has been conducted based on dictionaries containing sentiment words and emoticons to categorize the sentiment of microblogs at a fine-grained level. The emotional intensity of microblogs for each topic is also calculated to achieve synergetic analysis of topics and sentiment of microblogs. [Result/conclusion] The proposed method can reveal the topical and emotional features and emotional intensity of microblogs on specific public emergencies and illustrate the synergetic evolution patterns of topics and sentiment of online public opinions.
An Lu
Wu Lin
. An Integrated Analysis of Topical and Emotional Evolution of Microblog Public Opinions on Public Emergencies[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(15)
: 120
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.15.014
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