[Purpose/significance] Intelligence study is the core content of intelligence work, which is devoted to solving the problem of incomplete decision information, and it is also the practice source of the theory exploration for information science.[Method/process] This paper made the importance of intelligence study in the exploration of information science explicit; it combed the main contents of the academic ecological thinking, and reviewed the practice trying to study under the ecological concept; then, the author put forward some thoughts on the studying idea of intelligence study.[Result/conclusion] The calm and meticulous academic ecological thinking is necessary in the intelligence study. It needs to adhere to the academic faith to achieve the concept of ecological study to create a shared environment and enjoy the process of perseverance.
Wang Yanfei
Zhao Keran
Chen Meihua
. Reflections on the Scholarly Research in Intelligence Study[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(16)
: 55
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.16.008
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