[Purpose/significance] The paper studies the impact of digital divideon the urbanization in Guizhou Province, in order to put forward reasonable proposals to reduce the digital divide between urban and rural area and eliminate its influence on the urbanization process of China.[Method/process] Firstly, correlational analysis method is used to test the correlation between digital divide level and urbanization level in Guizhou, then questionnaires and in-depth interviews are implemented in the urban and rural areas in Guizhou to get the first hand data, and descriptive statistical analysis and content analysis are used to analyze the data, in order to find the current status of the digital divide and its influencing factors, and discuss its impact on the urbanization.[Result/conclusion] Findings show that obvious digital divide still exists in Guizhou Province; the bigger the difference between urban and rural consumption levels, the larger the digital divide between urban and rural areas; and the digital divide between urban and rural areas will hinder the process of urbanization.
Han Shenglong
Wei Qin
Zhang Yishan
Li Mei
. Study on Rural-Urban Digital Divide of Guizhou Province and Its Impact on the Urbanization[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(16)
: 90
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.16.013
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