[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to enhance the innovation ability of the regional innovation system, and promote the integration of regional science and technology resources. From the perspective of knowledge management, this paper studies the formation path of the knowledge base of regional innovation system. [Method/process] Based on the theory of knowledge management and the theory of regional innovation system, this paper analyzed the role and function of innovation subjects in the formation of regional knowledge base. This paper introduced the formation process of the regional knowledge base based on knowledge management, so as to realize the storage path of innovation knowledge from the knowledge source to the regional knowledge base. [Result/conclusion] In order to promote the formation of regional knowledge base, enterprises, universities and scientific research institutions lay the foundation of knowledge, intermediary institutions build bridges of proliferation, and the government provides policy support and market knowledge. At the same time, the formation process of regional knowledge base should have four stages of knowledge management:knowledge creation, knowledge diffusion, knowledge coding and knowledge storage. It is very important to study the formation path of regional knowledge base, which is of great significance to the theoretical research and practical development of the regional innovation system.
Zhang Gongyi
Zhang Chang
Guo Xin
. Research on the Formation Path of Knowledge Base Oriented Regional Innovation System[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(17)
: 6
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.17.001
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