[Purpose/significance] The spin-offs' enterprises have become the important pattern and innovation power in the regional innovation system. To promote the development of collaborative innovation as the goal-oriented, this paper explores the characteristics and patterns of the knowledge integration of the spin-offs' enterprises based on the theories of knowledge integration and system coordination. It is important to enhance the level of knowledge integration and form the core competitiveness.[Method/process] Considering three stages of life cycle, business survival, rapid development and mature transformation, this paper analyses the characteristics of knowledge integration, and builds the modes of it of spin-offs' enterprises during the life cycle stages.[Result/conclusion] In the regional innovation system, the formation of knowledge domain experiences three phases. They are the knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing and knowledge transformation. Because the knowledge characteristics are different in every stage of life cycle, the spin-offs' enterprises should choose suitable pattern of knowledge integration during the life cycle. In the stage of business survival, the pattern named inheriting knowledge integration should be chosen. In the stage of rapid development, the pattern named incremental knowledge integration should be chosen. In the stage of mature transformation, the pattern named leaping knowledge integration should be chosen. With detailed research on the knowledge integration patterns of the spin-offs' enterprises, it can enhance the ability of knowledge integration.At the same time, it will improve the level of coordination management in the regional innovation system.
Xu Ying
Jiang Sibo
Xu Shiying
. Research on Knowledge Integration Pattern of Spin-offs' Enterprise in the Regional Innovation System[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(17)
: 36
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.17.005
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