[Purpose/significance] This paper constructs a study on the linked data sets of academic records of library and information science in the LISTA database which include documents, authors and journals, then makes a semantic relation discovery experiment using RelFinder,to reveal the implicit relations and some potential laws between different academic units.[Method/process] First of all, it collects the bibliographic data of 666 LIS journals, 5 075 LIS authors and 1 073 academic papers in LISTA database, and imports them into MYSQL database. Then, a lightweight task-based ontology is used to normalize the data, the open source software D2RQ is to convert the data into RDF triples, and Virtuoso is to publish RDF triples as linked data. Finally, the semantic relation between the library and information science academic units is conducted by the RDF visualization software RelFinder, and the discovery process of direct relationship, indirect relationship, secondary indirect relationship and multiple indirect relationship is summarized.[Result/conclusion] RelFinder can reveal the implicit deep relations between academic literature, periodicals and authors. It is of great significance to retrieve academic literature, to reveal the academic framework and to discover the academic knowledge.
Shi Zeshun
Xiao Ming
. The Semantic Relation Discovery Practice of Library and Information Science Linked Data Based on RelFinder[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(17)
: 139
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.17.018
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