[Purpose/significance] With the increasing requirements of digital preservation, attention has been shifted to how to cut costs. This paper aimed to provide some reference to the study in cost of digital preservation for related domestic archive institutions by comparing and contrasting of LIFE and CDL-TCP.[Method/process] Based on the analysis of the types and academic characteristics of digital preservation cost models in Europe and America, this paper made a comparison between LIFE and CDL-TCP in terms of 3 aspects involving easy-using, wide-fitting and accurate-calculating and another 7 dimensions.[Result/conclusion] It was found that the digital preservation cost models in Europe and America should be optimized in generality, accuracy, the width and depth of empirical study, and the maturity of cost tools. Suggestions to studies in domestic digital preservation cost model were proposed with respect to the thinking of cost accumulation, empirical study, the development of cost tools and so on.
Xiao Qiuhui
Xu Xiaotong
Bian Junyan
. Comparison and Evaluation of Digital Preservation Cost Models LIFE and CDL-TCP[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(18)
: 12
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.18.002
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