[Purpose/significance] With the increase in the amount and types of medical information resources and in the interdisciplinarity of the related works, it has become challenging for researchers and information personnel to grasp the theme development.[Method/process] Considering the prominent position of medical research among all the subject areas in scientific research, the authors carried out a new topic evolution detection method. The authors also proposed a model based on the LDA model for judging the topic evolution in medical researches and demonstrated its operating process. The main stages in the process included medical words extraction, topic area identification, topic association, key topic identification, the identification of the main path of key topics and the splitting and merging events on the main path.[Result/conclusion] This paper continues to take the study of breast neoplasms treatment research as a field to test the new model for identifying the topic evolution in the medical research. The test results are highly concordant with authoritative literature reviews in the field and are further confirmed by interviews with the field's leading experts; thus verifying the reliability of the techniques and approaches proposed by the study.
Gong Xiaocui
An Xinying
. A Research of Topic Splitting and Merging Detecting in the Medical Field Based on the LDA Model[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(18)
: 76
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.18.010
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