[Purpose/significance]To solve the drawback that h-index can not reflect Scholars' dynamic academic influence, this paper puts forward TDh-index by attaching time limit to original h-index.[Method/process]This paper collects citation data of journals of library & information science from CSSCI, and uses the large-scale extracting approach to get all the scholars' TDh-index in multiple periods. Finally, the paper uses empirical analysis to demonstrate the rationality and application value of TDh-index.[Result/conclusion]TDh-index can reflect the academic influence in different periods of scholars' career. Researchers can find stars and research hotspot according to academic influence change of different academic groups, observing research subject and research hotspot change at the macroscopic scale.
Zhou Chunlei
Cai Chengrui
Zhang Tan
Chen Yanyun
. Study on TDh-index of Library & Information Science Scholars in China[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(19)
: 96
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.19.012
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