[Purpose/significance]This paper takes the metadata standards of Data.gov, an open government data website, as an example, and analyzes its metadata system and specific standards so as to provide references for the construction of our country's open data metadata standards. [Method/process]Using the method of the case analysis, the paper summarized the system structure of the metadata standard of American open government data. [Result/conclusion]The metadata standards of American open government data can be divided into two categories, which are dataset content metadata standards and dataset format metadata standards. Data.gov uses different metadata standards to describe original datasets and geospatial datasets respectively. We can reference the metadata standards system in Data.gov in the construction of metadata standards of Chinese open government data.
Si Li
Zhao Jie
. Investigation and Enlightenment of Metadata Standards of American Open Government Data[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(3)
: 86
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.03.011
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