[Purpose/significance] Relationship quality is used to measure the intensity of relationship between user and library. This study attempts to construct a scientific evaluation index system, evaluate the library relationship quality, and then put forward some suggestions to improve it.[Method/process] In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted on users in university libraries. EFA was used to summarize the dimensions of library relationship quality. Descriptive statistical analysis, IPA and variance analysis were conducted for users' evaluation of library relationship quality.[Result/conclusion] The results of empirical research show that the library's relationship quality is composed of three dimensions:satisfaction, trust and commitment. Users generally tend to be positive in the evaluation of the library relationship quality, which has the highest commitment dimension and the lowest trust dimension. The users who are familiar with the library are significantly higher evaluation of the library relationships quality than users who are unfamiliar users. Therefore, in order to enhance users' perception of relationship quality, libraries should set up services guarantee,improve librarians' service capabilities, promote transformation of resource oriented services to user oriented services, and strengthen the interaction between the library and users.
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