[Purpose/significance] This study makes an evaluation of user demands hierarchy for information service in library makerspaces through the KANO model, then it builds the satisfaction matrix. It also identifies the key factors to improve the satisfaction degree. At last, it puts forward strategies for improvement of information service in library makerspaces.[Method/process] This paper designed a questionnaire about user demands for information service in library makerspaces from four dimensions that include environment and infrastructure, makerspace librarian, resource and acquisition and user service by the analytical methods of KANO model. Then, based on the statistical analysis of the findings, the research gains indicator types appraisal of user demands for information service in library makerspaces and then built satisfaction matrix.[Result/conclusion] This paper puts forward the strategies of perfecting information service in library makerspaces, which mainly includes perfecting information service according to the types of user demands, identifying the key factors of improving information service according to the satisfaction matrix, adjusting information service continuously with the change of user demands, establishing appraisal feedback mechanism for satisfaction evaluation of information service.
Wang Lan
. Analysis of User Demands for Information Service in Library Makerspaces and Service Strategy[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(12)
: 39
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.12.005
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