[Purpose/significance] This paper introduces the development background of blockchain technology and analyzes the three characteristics of blockchain technology, i.e., decentralization, reliable data and automation. According to the practice and research by American libraries and academic communities, this paper summarizes the transformative influence of blockchain technology on libraries, and puts forward some countermeasures for Chinese libraries to deal with the reform brought by blockchain technology.[Method/process] The research uses methods of literature review and comparative analysis. Firstly, from the resources dimension, this research analyzes the influence of blockchain technology on libraries from the following aspects:the establishment of a new type of library meta-data system, the right to confirm digital resources and the sharing of resources. Secondly, from the service dimension, this research analyzes the impact of blockchain technology on the library services, such as the traditional circulation services, scientific research services, and service performance evaluation.[Result/conclusion] The libraries in our country has lagged far behind those abroad in drawing up the application standards of blockchain technology for libraries. However, with the current technological capability of Internet enterprises in China and the booming development of blockchain industry, libraries in China have the potential cutting edge of deploying blockchain technology. Therefore, libraries in China should strengthen the relationship with the Internet enterprises, the blockchain technology companies and other related upstream and downstream industries, actively deploy the blockchain technology, carry out activities to use the related software programs, continuously improve their service content and quality and embrace the blockchain technology reform.
Huang Mincong
. An Analysis of the Reformative Effect of Blockchain Technology on the Development of Libraries[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(13)
: 11
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.13.002
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