[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to meet personalized retrieval needs of digital library users for numerical knowledge, and realize the fine-grained knowledge service.[Method/process] Based on the analysis of numerical knowledge element, it proposes a method of identifying, extracting, indexing and retrieving numerical knowledge elements, and constructs a retrieval system for numerical knowledge elements. [Result/conclusion] In addition, the case study shows that the meta-knowledge service based on numerical knowledge can improve the efficiency and user satisfaction of retrieving and using numerical knowledge.
Huang Rong
He Yangyuqi
Wang Zhongyi
Li Chunya
. Research on Retrieval of Numerical Knowledge Element in Digital Library[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(14)
: 125
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.14.015
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