Detecting and Characterizing Research Fronts Topics Based on Global-Micro Model

  • Cui Yuhong ,
  • Wang Sa ,
  • Gao Xiaowei ,
  • Yang Hui ,
  • Cao Xuewei
  • 1. Beijing Institute of Technology Library, Beijing 100081;
    2. National Academy of Innovation Strategy, Beijing 100012;
    3. Relx Group Shanghai District, Shanghai 200040

Received date: 2017-12-08

  Revised date: 2018-04-07

  Online published: 2018-08-05


[Purpose/significance] Accurate judgment of research fronts is the national strategic macro-level demand, and scientometrics is commonly used in the quantitative method of research fronts and topic detection. [Method/process] Firstly,literature review is focused on topic detection and research fronts,then concept of the global-micro model and methods in topic creation are introduced in detail, including topic cluster with direct citation,name label with keyword, and selection methodology of topic prominence. It also analyzes nearly 96,000 topics and the top 1% research fronts created by Scival. [Result/conclusion] The global-micro model can identify all topics of different fields at the same time, but there are differences in the research fronts between different subjects, which can not equate topic prominence to the importance of simplicity. There is a moderate correlation between the number of topic papers and the topic ranking. Automatically extracted keywords can be named and described the topic in terms of the subject level and uniqueness. The topic evolution is demonstrated by the related research fronts of graphene, which can be used to identify key events and emerging trends.

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Cui Yuhong , Wang Sa , Gao Xiaowei , Yang Hui , Cao Xuewei . Detecting and Characterizing Research Fronts Topics Based on Global-Micro Model[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018 , 62(15) : 75 -82 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.15.009


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