[Purpose/significance] University library is one of the important strength for knowledge discovery and scientific and technological innovation and an important base of cultivating high-quality innovative talents. The development of embedded information literacy education in university library is the basic need of personnel training and also the basic requirement of national development strategy.[Method/process] By analyzing the current situation of embedded information literacy education in university libraries, taking the practice case of the CQU Library as the starting point, it studies education subjects, education platform and education objects of information literacy, trying to establish a multi-level, multi-angle, multi-channel and three-dimensional embedded information literacy education model.[Result/conclusion] The university library should construct professional education team, student service team and school-society coordinated education team, and establish embedded teaching platform that combines both online and offline collaborative promotion and teaching, learning and research. At the same time, according to different teaching object, establishing the long term embedded academic career education mechanism and advanced embedded information literacy education mechanism, construct embedded information literacy education "three-all" mode covering the all staff, all around and all process, and continuously promote the level, ability and quality of the embedded information literacy education in Chinese university libraries.
Liu Qingqing
He Yanjun
Yang Xinya
Li Yan
. Embedded Information Literacy Education Pattern Research in CQU Library[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(16)
: 47
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.16.006
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