[Purpose/significance] This paper explores the librarians' cognition of academic libraries' organizational climate and the influence factors of organizational climate, which can provide reference for constructing Chinese localized organizational climate assessment of libraries. [Method/process] Based on the questionnaire survey of librarians and the literature research, the article explores how the influence factors effect on libraries' organizational climate. On this basis, the influence factors system of libraries' organizational climate is formed. [Result/conclusion] The influence factors of libraries' organizational climate mainly include the internal environment of libraries, the social external environment, the nature of the library and the librarians' values and behavior. The result especially shows that Chinese traditional culture such as interpersonal harmony, collectivism, senses of hierarchy and the doctrine of the mean have positive or negative impacts on librarians. Besides, the paper shows that the importance of libraries' organizational climate construction has not been widely recognized, which should be strengthened.
Zhou Li
Bao Ping
. Investigation and Analysis on the Influence Factors of Organizational Climate Formation in Libraries from the Perspective of Librarians[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(17)
: 5
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.17.001
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