[Purpose/significance] Citizen science platform is viewed as the emerging service pattern of citizen science. The purpose of this article is to provide reference and enlightenment to construction of citizen science platform in China by investigating the development status and service practice of Zooniverse. [Method/process] Taking Zooniverse as object of study, the development status of citizen science projects within Zooniverse, process-oriented supportive services and citizen science ecological system are analysed. Then the enlightenment to construction of citizen science platform in China is proposed. [Result/conclusion] Besides field of nature science, special attention and support is placed on the field of arts, humanities and social science. Zooniverse provides process-oriented supportive and one-stop services for five stages of citizen science projects. Also Zooniverse creates an integrated citizen science ecological system in order to achieve the online interaction and collaboration within Zooniverse. According to the service practice and exploration, China should consolidate the foundation of citizen science platform construction, make full use of related associations and social organizations, and expend the applications of emerging ICT.
Zhao Dongxiang
. Development Status, Service Practice and the Enlightenment of Citizen Science Platform: A Case Study of Zooniverse[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(17)
: 120
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.17.015
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