[Purpose/significance] The risk assessment of consumer privacy disclosure in mobile commerce has an important impact on the follow aspects:understanding consumer privacy disclosure behaviors, improving the protection of consumers' privacy information by platforms and businesses.[Method/process] Firstly, according to the characteristics of mobile commerce, this paper built a risk index system of personal privacy information disclosure of mobile commerce consumers. Then, though the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, this paper evaluated the risk of consumer privacy disclosure in mobile commerce. Finally, it made an empirical analysis based on Taobao APP.[Result/conclusion] The data result shows that consumer vulnerability risk is the biggest cause of consumer privacy disclosure risk, and the mobile terminal vulnerability risk is the lowest. At the same time, the weight of consumer safety awareness is the largest, this indicates that improving consumers' privacy awareness is the most important aspect to protect the privacy information security of consumers.
Xiang Mengmeng
Jia Ruonan
Wang Lei
. Research on the Risk Evaluation of Consumers' Privacy Information Disclosure in Mobile Commerce[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(18)
: 34
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.18.004
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