[Purpose/significance] The large supply of mobile applications (APP) and the scarcity of users' attention have led to a fierce survival competition for APP. For academic apps necessary to be developed, it is of great importance to study the main influential factors of the users' willingness to adopt and to use them.[Method/process]Based on the theoretical models of classic user behaviors, such as technology acceptance model and expectation confirmation model, combined with the characteristics of academic APP, a model of academic app users' willingness to adopt was constructed. A questionnaire survey was used to collect data and perform statistical analysis and empirical research on the data to verify the applicability of the model.[Result/conclusion]Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, satisfaction, perceived authority, and social influence have a significant positive effect on academic app users' willingness to adopt. Academic APP developers should increase the availability of resources and improve user perception of usefulness and ease of use, strengthen APP attributes, and improve user satisfaction, strictly control the professionalism of resources and maintain users' perception of authority, and expand the social impact of academic apps.
Zhang Xiaodan
Jiang Hong
Wang Kehui
. An Empirical Study of the Influential Factors on Users' Adoption Willingness of Academic App[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(18)
: 90
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.18.010
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