Research and Enlightenment on the Copyright Information Service of 100 University Libraries in the United States

  • Sun Hanhan ,
  • Hao Qun ,
  • Zhang Libin
  • 1 Fudan University Literature Information Center, Shanghai 200433;
    2 Nankai University Library, Tianjin 300071

Received date: 2018-04-22

  Revised date: 2018-07-17

  Online published: 2018-11-20


[Purpose/significance] Studying the documents of copyright information service in the 100 colleges and universities in the United States, could provide a reference for the formulation of the copyright information service files for the Chinese university libraries.[Method/process] Through the search of the official website of colleges and universities and e-mail contact with librarians, a thorough network survey was conducted on the top 100 American University Libraries copyright information service documents in 2018. From the four aspects of the category name and location of the copyright information service documents, the content framework, crisis handling procedures, and the need for help from the librarians. Combining with present copyright information service documents in Chinese university libraries, the copyright information service documents suitable for Chinese university libraries can be explored.[Result/conclusion] Through the analysis of the copyright information service documents of American university libraries, the article provides that the development of library copyright information service in Chinese universities has the following inspirations:vigorously promote the publication of copyright information service files in university libraries; enhance the comprehensiveness and integrity of copyright content; pay attention to fair use; pay attention to the propaganda and learning of copyright; set up related posts and functional departments; attach importance to disclaimer statements and seriously deal with infringements; actively respond to the construction of university intellectual property information service centers.

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Sun Hanhan , Hao Qun , Zhang Libin . Research and Enlightenment on the Copyright Information Service of 100 University Libraries in the United States[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018 , 62(22) : 124 -132 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.22.015


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