[Purpose/significance] The article reveals the academic contributions and evolution features of major countries of library and information science since 2002 on the dimensions of outputs of papers, citations and research topics, in the hope of providing a reference for the subject construction and related researchers tracking research topics and frontiers.[Method/process] Based on 86 core journals in the last 15 years of library and information science in Web of Science, the article used research methods including bibliometrics, scientific knowledge maps and econometric models, utilized data analysis tools including TDA, Ucinet and VOSviewer. The article gave an in-depth analysis of the academic contribution of major countries of library and information science from the following perspectives:academic papers amount, citation features and theme features. Meanwhile, the article built a metrological model to examine the impact of spatial distance and academic ability on academic cooperation among major countries.[Result/conclusion] The United States has a strong scientific research strength in the field of library and information science, China has the fastest growth of academic contribution, Netherlands, Finland and Belgium all excel in quoted rate indicators. The research topics mainly focus on the eight thematic areas of libraries, information retrieval, internet, knowledge management, social networks, metrology, user study and research methods. Britain, Spain, China and the United States have the most extensive research topics. Spatial distance and academic capabilities have a significant impact on academic cooperation among countries.
Liu Hong
Li Yu
. Research on Academic Contributions of Major Countries of Library and Information Science Based on Time Series Perspective[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(23)
: 87
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.23.011
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