[Purpose/significance] Subject resources construction is an important part of strengthening subject services in libraries, the basis and premise of improving the quality of subject services, and the basic guarantee of carrying out subject services. Whether the subject resources constructed by libraries can be effectively revealed and whether the subject librarians can provide accurate services will directly affect the academic value of the subject resources for users. By combing the contents and methods of art subject resources construction, this paper summarizes the solutions subject resource construction in academic library, hoping to contribute to the subject service of academic library.[Method/process] This paper investigated the subject content settings of all majors in art subject, analyzed the subject characteristics and the characteristics of resources demand, and put forward some suggestions on the construction of art subject resources from different aspects, including construction content, construction system, construction form, evaluation method, and the art subject resources organization based on the subject resources navigation platform of Libguides.[Result/conclusion] Based on the study of art subject resources construction, this paper puts forward the process and content of art subject resources construction and disclosure, it is of great reference significance to the resource construction of all kinds of academic libraries.
Yu Ting
Wei Chengguang
Zhang Rui
Sun Yang
. Subject Resources Construction of Art Library under the New Situation[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(24)
: 43
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.24.006
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