[Purpose/significance] Various features of indoor layout are individualized related to various reading types, which can lead to differences in reading state of users. To induce the best reading state of users is an important goal of library indoor layout, and is also the embodiment of the wisdom of library environmental services.[Method/process] Based on the literature research, the researcher analyzed the reading status indicators of users according to the theory of psychophysiology and self-efficacy. Then, in accordance with the Chinese and foreign literature, the researcher extracted five layout characteristics such as Unified Geometry, and conducted experiment by combining layout rule with nature, social science, planning, and unscheduled reading, measured reading efficacy, attention and emotional tendency data. Through SPSS statistical analysis method, the correlation between layout features and reading topics was found.[Result/conclusion] It is found that different reading areas have different layout characteristics, which can help users achieve better reading status. The result of study can be used as reference for the layout of library reading area, and can also be extended to all kinds environmental layout of nationwide reading.
Yang Hua
Yuan Run
Lu Zhangping
. Study on the Relationship Between the Layout Characteristic of Library Reading Area and the Reading Status of Users[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(24)
: 50
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.24.007
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