[Purpose/significance] The automatic review of the quality of unpublished academic papers has not yet formed a unified index system, so this article explores and establishes a set of leading, scientific and objective index system for automatic review to improve the efficiency.[Method/process] From the perspective of knowledge production, combined with the factors of scientific knowledge production, the index system of academic paper quality for automatic review whose quantitative methods and techniques are briefly introduced, is constructed from seven aspects of author, reference, fund project support, selection of topics, innovation, scientificity and expression form. The principal component analysis method is used to determine the weight and the ranking of various automatic review indexes.[Result/conclusion] The results show that the weight value of the scientificity and innovation of a paper are high. The readability, length of the abstract and the quality and newness of the journal in which the references are published are also important factors. The results can provide references for the quantitative treatment of the follow-up automatic review indexes.
Zhu Linlin
Du Xingye
Li He
. Study on the Construction of Index System for Automatic Review of Academic Paper Quality Under the Perspective of Knowledge Production[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(24)
: 79
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.24.011
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