[Purpose/significance] Research productivity has been the scholars' research interested focus, which has been studied from both papers' quantity and quality(citations). As it is presented that scientists have various citation behaviors or papers' quality is various in different fields, and it is not only necessary that their productivities can be evaluated in different fields, but also it needs to measure and evaluate the scientists' productivities concerning different professional levels, different-size institutions, and papers in different journals. However, in the existing indices, the context characteristics are not considered, while there are different requirement thresholds for the same professional level or different professional levels in the same or various institutions, the characteristics of scientists' situated context is precisely the reference criterion of their efforts, and the co-authors' contributions are ignored for analyzing scientists' productivities, which is not corresponding to the research requirements of big science era.[Method/process] Based on the efforts and shortcomings of the existing evaluation indices, the Q2 SRC-index is presented to evaluate scientists' research productivities, with concerns of papers' quantity and quality(Q&Q, Q2), subject fields(S), scientists' rankings in papers(R), and different requirement thresholds for the same or different professional levels indicating scientists' contexts (C), which is more emphasized.[Result/conclusion] The measure is not only the theory model to be used to evaluate the scientists' research productivities comprehensively and compare them from different disciplinary backgrounds, but also it is practical and can be considered as the basis for scientists' professional promotions when there are limited professional positions in their institutions.
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