[Purpose/significance] This paper analyses the challenges posed by the situation that knowledge is becoming key strategic resource in the digital economy era.[Method/process] The study adopts literature research and theoretical analysis method to analyze and explain the challenges and trends of knowledge management in the digital economy era based on the structure of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).[Result/conclusion] In the era of digital economy, knowledge management has higher demands of data acquisition and integration, and requires higher of the accuracy, timeliness and accuracy of the transformation from data to information to knowledge. The key of knowledge management becomes the integration of heterogeneous data and data mining. Human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence will play an important role as key technologies. Data-driven value co-creation becomes the core in the goal of knowledge management. The future development of knowledge management will be strategically evolved to real-time dynamic and precise decision-making, and the structure will be transferred to global knowledge management. And the efficient and innovative organization structure will be constructed through the accessible knowledge flow, and the fragmented knowledge will be systematically integrated. Knowledge management will pay attention to the tacit knowledge transformation based on human-computer interaction and build platform-based knowledge graph.
Dong Xiaoying
Hu Yanni
Cao Shenshen
. Knowledge Management in the Age of Digital Economy: Challenges and Trends[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(1)
: 60
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.01.009
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