[Purpose/significance] Based on the demands of Tang poetry knowledge service under the current big data environment, the knowledge graph of Tang poetry is constructed and intelligent knowledge service is provided on the basis of large-scale data of Tang poetry, which promotes the innovation of knowledge management and knowledge service mode of Tang poetry under the artificial intelligence environment.[Method/process] Based on the investigation of domain knowledge service requirements, this paper designs the Tang poetry ontology model driven by domain knowledge service,then uses knowledge extraction, knowledge fusion, knowledge reasoning and other technologies to automatically construct the knowledge graph of Tang poetry which unifies the representation and organization of Tang poetry domain data and achieve semantic processing of large-scale Tang poetry data.[Result/conclusion] This paper designs an intelligent knowledge service platform KnowPoetry based on the Tang poetry knowledge graph, which provides intelligent knowledge services such as knowledge exploration, spatio-temporal trajectory, semantic query in the field of Tang poetry, and promotes the innovative transformation of Tang poetry digital humanities research methods in artificial intelligence environment.
Zhou Lina
Hong Liang
Gao Ziyang
. Construction of Knowledge Graph of Chinese Tang Poetry and Design of Intelligent Knowledge Services[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(2)
: 24
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.02.003
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